Your Mind Must Rule Your Body
To Fast Successfully
Remember, “Flesh is dumb!” It has no intelligence
or reasoning power. If, after reading this book, you are
convinced, without any reservations, that a fasting
program is going to elevate you to greater heights of
living, then your mind becomes the master of your flesh!
Your mind must be stronger than the desires of your
flesh, because your body has long been conditioned to
have food put into it at various intervals of the day.
The average person gets up and eats breakfast whether
hungry or not. When the stomach does all the directing,
the mind tags along with it’s desires. So, through reflex
conditioning, the stomach expects food for breakfast.
To me, breakfast is a worthless meal. The body has been
at rest all night. It has not expended energy, so why
should a person get up after the inactivity of sleep and
put a big breakfast into the stomach? I will tell you again,
“You must earn your food with physical activity!”
To Fast Successfully
Remember, “Flesh is dumb!” It has no intelligence
or reasoning power. If, after reading this book, you are
convinced, without any reservations, that a fasting
program is going to elevate you to greater heights of
living, then your mind becomes the master of your flesh!
Your mind must be stronger than the desires of your
flesh, because your body has long been conditioned to
have food put into it at various intervals of the day.
The average person gets up and eats breakfast whether
hungry or not. When the stomach does all the directing,
the mind tags along with it’s desires. So, through reflex
conditioning, the stomach expects food for breakfast.
To me, breakfast is a worthless meal. The body has been
at rest all night. It has not expended energy, so why
should a person get up after the inactivity of sleep and
put a big breakfast into the stomach? I will tell you again,
“You must earn your food with physical activity!”