Victory Won By Fasting, Diet and Exercise
First and foremost, your body has to earn its food by
the sweat of your brow. That means you only eat food
appropriate to your physical activity and climate. This
man was eating as he did when he was a young active
farm boy. Slowly his joints were becoming cemented
solid by toxins and toxic crystals that were pressing on
nerves causing him agonizing pain. He wanted an easy
way out of his misery. I told him truthfully that it had
taken a long time of wrong eating and bad habits of
living to get him in this wretched condition. Now it
would take fasting, a healthy diet and ample exercises
to help relieve these pains. He was an intelligent man
and saw the truth of my simple philosophy.
I started him on a 3 day distilled water fast. Following
the fast, I had him eat only fresh fruit for breakfast and
a raw vegetable combination salad for lunch. I had him
eat a grated carrot, beet, chopped cabbage salad and one
cooked vegetable for dinner. I took him off all animal
products, meat, fish, eggs, cheese and dairy products. I
eliminated all salt, sugar and refined foods. I took him
off all grains and all legumes such as beans, peas, rice
and lentils for two months. Every day I had him take a
10 minute hot bath (add 1 cup apple cider vinegar),
bringing the water up to 104 degrees, using a bath
thermometer. I gave him an exercise program of brisk
walking starting with 3 blocks the first day, and every
third day I added another block to his walking program
until he was walking 3 miles a day.
Every week he took a 36 hour water fast. As the days
and weeks rolled into months, I gave him one 7 day
and one 10 day fast. In one year you would hardly have
recognized this man! His family and friends were amazed
at his transformation. His joints became flexible and,
although he hadn’t been swimming for years, he joined
the YMCA and swam 3 days a week. He hadn’t ridden a
bicycle for years, yet he purchased one and rode for miles
at a time. He and his wife took up dancing and in a year
he was winning contests. The stiffness left him. He even
took up the piano and became a good piano player.
First and foremost, your body has to earn its food by
the sweat of your brow. That means you only eat food
appropriate to your physical activity and climate. This
man was eating as he did when he was a young active
farm boy. Slowly his joints were becoming cemented
solid by toxins and toxic crystals that were pressing on
nerves causing him agonizing pain. He wanted an easy
way out of his misery. I told him truthfully that it had
taken a long time of wrong eating and bad habits of
living to get him in this wretched condition. Now it
would take fasting, a healthy diet and ample exercises
to help relieve these pains. He was an intelligent man
and saw the truth of my simple philosophy.
I started him on a 3 day distilled water fast. Following
the fast, I had him eat only fresh fruit for breakfast and
a raw vegetable combination salad for lunch. I had him
eat a grated carrot, beet, chopped cabbage salad and one
cooked vegetable for dinner. I took him off all animal
products, meat, fish, eggs, cheese and dairy products. I
eliminated all salt, sugar and refined foods. I took him
off all grains and all legumes such as beans, peas, rice
and lentils for two months. Every day I had him take a
10 minute hot bath (add 1 cup apple cider vinegar),
bringing the water up to 104 degrees, using a bath
thermometer. I gave him an exercise program of brisk
walking starting with 3 blocks the first day, and every
third day I added another block to his walking program
until he was walking 3 miles a day.
Every week he took a 36 hour water fast. As the days
and weeks rolled into months, I gave him one 7 day
and one 10 day fast. In one year you would hardly have
recognized this man! His family and friends were amazed
at his transformation. His joints became flexible and,
although he hadn’t been swimming for years, he joined
the YMCA and swam 3 days a week. He hadn’t ridden a
bicycle for years, yet he purchased one and rode for miles
at a time. He and his wife took up dancing and in a year
he was winning contests. The stiffness left him. He even
took up the piano and became a good piano player.