Fasting De-Salts The Body Cells and Organs
I have had over 70 years experience with the science
and use of rational fasting. And I have found that in 4
days of complete fasting we can de-salt the body. The
urine will reveal the story of salt. Take a 4 day complete
distilled water fast. Nothing must pass through your
body for 4 days, except for distilled water and ACV drink.
Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses daily to flush the salt out.
Each morning take a sample of the first urine your
body passes. Put these urine bottles (labeled) on a shelf
to settle for 3 weeks, then look at them in the sunlight.
You will see concentrated salt and toxic wastes in the
bottom of the bottle. When this salt is passed from your
body notice how freely your kidneys will function.
Notice how naturally moist your mouth is and how you
have no abnormal thirst. Notice your skin and muscle
tone. The first thing the body throws off during a fast is
salt and the side effects – bloating and edema (dropsy)
that goes with salt. Lumpy, waterlogged spots vanish
and you become more streamlined. There is a thinner
and more youthful look to your body. Water-bloating
vanishes and you begin to see your natural figure again!
You can hardly believe your eyes! A wonderful
transformation is taking place during your fast. The
powerful Vital Force that would otherwise be used to
handle your food is now being used exclusively to clean
out the debris, waste, and poisons that have been locked
in the body cells and vital organs. Rejuvenation is taking
place in every one of the billions of cells of the body!
After the 4 days of de-salting the body, be sure to keep
salt out of your diet. It’s a difficult thing to do since
there’s so much “hidden salt” in so many different foods.
That’s where your weekly 24 – 36 hour fast helps continue
to de-salt and detox your body to keep you healthy!
We find it difficult in our world travels, lecturing and
doing research, to avoid “hidden salt” in foods, even
though we always do request, “No salt, please!” in
restaurants, on cruise ships, airplanes and trains.
However, our weekly cleansing fast of 24 to 36 hours
keeps any inorganic salt we ate flowing out of our bodies.
We never add salt to foods in the Bragg household!
We use natural seasonings that add zest to foods: herbs,
garlic, kelp, onion, lemon and our delicious Bragg
Organic Vinegar and Bragg Aminos, a tasty all purpose
soy seasoning that contains 16 amino acids. With fasting,
you’ll soon see how much better you feel and look! And
what a sweet taste you will have in your mouth. You
will note many changes for the better when you are
faithful with your fasting program and banishing salt!
I have had over 70 years experience with the science
and use of rational fasting. And I have found that in 4
days of complete fasting we can de-salt the body. The
urine will reveal the story of salt. Take a 4 day complete
distilled water fast. Nothing must pass through your
body for 4 days, except for distilled water and ACV drink.
Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses daily to flush the salt out.
Each morning take a sample of the first urine your
body passes. Put these urine bottles (labeled) on a shelf
to settle for 3 weeks, then look at them in the sunlight.
You will see concentrated salt and toxic wastes in the
bottom of the bottle. When this salt is passed from your
body notice how freely your kidneys will function.
Notice how naturally moist your mouth is and how you
have no abnormal thirst. Notice your skin and muscle
tone. The first thing the body throws off during a fast is
salt and the side effects – bloating and edema (dropsy)
that goes with salt. Lumpy, waterlogged spots vanish
and you become more streamlined. There is a thinner
and more youthful look to your body. Water-bloating
vanishes and you begin to see your natural figure again!
You can hardly believe your eyes! A wonderful
transformation is taking place during your fast. The
powerful Vital Force that would otherwise be used to
handle your food is now being used exclusively to clean
out the debris, waste, and poisons that have been locked
in the body cells and vital organs. Rejuvenation is taking
place in every one of the billions of cells of the body!
After the 4 days of de-salting the body, be sure to keep
salt out of your diet. It’s a difficult thing to do since
there’s so much “hidden salt” in so many different foods.
That’s where your weekly 24 – 36 hour fast helps continue
to de-salt and detox your body to keep you healthy!
We find it difficult in our world travels, lecturing and
doing research, to avoid “hidden salt” in foods, even
though we always do request, “No salt, please!” in
restaurants, on cruise ships, airplanes and trains.
However, our weekly cleansing fast of 24 to 36 hours
keeps any inorganic salt we ate flowing out of our bodies.
We never add salt to foods in the Bragg household!
We use natural seasonings that add zest to foods: herbs,
garlic, kelp, onion, lemon and our delicious Bragg
Organic Vinegar and Bragg Aminos, a tasty all purpose
soy seasoning that contains 16 amino acids. With fasting,
you’ll soon see how much better you feel and look! And
what a sweet taste you will have in your mouth. You
will note many changes for the better when you are
faithful with your fasting program and banishing salt!