The Miracle of Fasting
3:22 AM
Helps You Enjoy a Super Charged,
Healthy, Happy Long Life
Every thinking person must at one time or another
say to himself, “Am I getting the most out of life?” The
great comedian, Ed Wynn said, “Without your health,
riches, possessions and fame are all mud.” What is a
man without health, even though endowed with riches
and fame? Riches cannot buy health and happiness. Just
because a person has achieved fame, it does not follow
that he is healthy and happy!
I do not discredit success and riches! I think money
and possessions have a place in our lives. Physical
comforts and luxuries are important to most people. Take
away a man’s wealth and give him only health and his
first desire will be the return of his riches.
However with both achieved, a word remains which
we hate to utter; a thought we dread to contemplate; a
thing which gives sorrow, pain and grief. That word,
that thought, that thing, is death! Even in cases where
life appears a burden, how tenaciously does man cling
to it! How the spirit recoils from a struggle with death!
How fondly it retains its grasp on life! Man’s great desire
is for health and long life on earth; “Man clings to the
world as his home, and would want to live here forever,
if he had health and long-lasting youthfulness.”
Healthy, Happy Long Life
Every thinking person must at one time or another
say to himself, “Am I getting the most out of life?” The
great comedian, Ed Wynn said, “Without your health,
riches, possessions and fame are all mud.” What is a
man without health, even though endowed with riches
and fame? Riches cannot buy health and happiness. Just
because a person has achieved fame, it does not follow
that he is healthy and happy!
I do not discredit success and riches! I think money
and possessions have a place in our lives. Physical
comforts and luxuries are important to most people. Take
away a man’s wealth and give him only health and his
first desire will be the return of his riches.
However with both achieved, a word remains which
we hate to utter; a thought we dread to contemplate; a
thing which gives sorrow, pain and grief. That word,
that thought, that thing, is death! Even in cases where
life appears a burden, how tenaciously does man cling
to it! How the spirit recoils from a struggle with death!
How fondly it retains its grasp on life! Man’s great desire
is for health and long life on earth; “Man clings to the
world as his home, and would want to live here forever,
if he had health and long-lasting youthfulness.”