The Sunnas of the Day of Eid:
The sunnas of the Day of Eid al-Adha include:
1. To adorn oneself according to the Shariah, by:
a. Performing ghusl (this is a confirmed sunnah for the Eid prayer);
b. Brush one's teeth, using a miswak if possible;
c. Apply perfume;
d. Wear the best clothing one possesses, without excess. White, when available, is optimal;
2. To wake up early, in order to prepare for the sunnas of the day;
3. To go early to the place the Eid prayer is taking place;
4. To delay eating until after the Eid al-Adha prayer;
5. To return from the Eid prayer by a different route to the one taken there, as established by the Prophet's practice (Allah bless him & give him peace);
6. To walk, when reasonably possible without hardship;
7. To give the takbirs of Eid.